Take-A-Number FAQs
Question: How do I activate my 5400 chime?
- Step 1. With the wireless remote, press the "menu" button.
- Step 2. Press the "down" button. Display should show -6.
- Step 3. Press the "enter" button.
- Step 4. Press the "up" button until "J0" is showing.
- Step 5. Press the "1" button, then "enter" button.
Question: How do I setup my 5400 display to do Take-A-Number?
- Step 1. With the wireless remote, press the "menu" button.
- Step 2. Press the "enter" button.
- Step 3. Without the wireless remote, press the "mode" button on the back of the display once.
- Step 4. Press the advance button until you see "03".
- Step 5. Press and hold the select button for about 3-5 seconds.
Question: How do I activate my 5100 chime?
- Step 1. With the wireless remote pointed toward the display, press the "menu" button.
- Step 2. Press the "up" button until you see "50" on the display.
- Step 3. Press "1" and then the "enter" button.
51301-KIT | D5130
51211V-KIT | D5120 | &3C
51301V-KIT | D5130 | &3C
51311V-KIT | D5130 | &3C
51211K-KIT | D5120
51311K-KIT | D5130
51301K-KIT | D5130 | &4W
51201KV-KIT | D5120 | &3C | &4W
51211KV-KIT | D5120 | &3C | &4W
51301KV-KIT | D5130 | &3C | &4W
51311KV-KIT | D5130 | &3C | &4W